Christopher Rivers
Commander - Marines
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Post Commander Among the duties of a Post Commander, the
Commander shall:
- Preside at all meetings of the Post, conducting such
meetings in accordance with Article X of the Bylaws and Manual of Procedure and
other applicable parliamentary rules.
- Enforce strict observance of the laws
and usages of this organization, including Post, County Council (if
applicable), District and Department Bylaws and the Congressional Charter, National
Bylaws, Manual of Procedure and Ritual and all lawful orders from proper
- Insist that Post business and activities be conducted in such a
manner that they do not violate any applicable governmental law, ordinance or
regulation nor bring or tend to bring dishonor or embarrassment upon the Post,
its members, or the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
- Decide all questions of law and usage in the Post, subject
to appeal pursuant to the Bylaws.
- Upon entering into office, appoint all
other officers, committee chairmen and committees not otherwise provided for.
The Commander may remove such appointed officers, committee chairmen and
committees at their pleasure.
- Approve all disbursements of funds properly
authorized by the Post.
- Assure that the office of Quartermaster is bonded
according to Section 703 of the Bylaws.
- Assure that all dues and other monies
due the National Headquarters and Department are forwarded promptly together
with accurate reports and returns pertaining thereto.
- Assure that all reports
are correctly prepared and promptly forwarded, that all the business of the
Post is handled with dispatch and that all necessary licenses and permits are obtained
for proper operation.
- Ensure that a properly completed Report of Election of
Officers for the ensuing year is submitted to Department and National
Headquarters by June1.
- Assure that the Post Trustees have examined the books
and records of the Post and prepared the Post Trustees Quarterly Report of
Audit no later than the end of the month following the last day of each
quarterly period.
- Assure that the Commander or their representative attend
all properly called District Conventions or meetings and County Council
meetings (if applicable).
- Comply with and perform all of the duties required
by the laws and usages of this organization, the provisions of these bylaws,
the Manual of Procedure and Ritual and Department, District, County Council (if
applicable) or Post Bylaws pertaining to the duties and obligations of a Post
Commander and lawful orders from proper authority and perform such other duties
as are usually incident to the office.
- Be an ex-officio member of all
The Post Commander is the key officer of the Post. They,
alone, represent the judicial branch of the organization and also have some of
the responsibilities of the executive branch.
- They preside at all meetings, enforce
the rules, appoint committees not otherwise provided for, and make certain that
the other officers and committee men perform their duties.
- Their authority
extends to the Post Home or Club to the extent of enforcing the rules of the
Post and the National and Department VFW and public laws.
- They represent the
authority of the Post between meetings, and their voice is that of the Post membership.
- Their authority also is limited according to the rules of the organization
and the bounds of common sense. They are in no sense a dictator.
They cannot order nor permit the breaking of
laws nor can they supersede the recognized authority of other officers or
committees. They cannot, for instance, order the Club Manager to keep the
clubrooms open after hours, nor can they direct the Post Quartermaster to pay
an unauthorized bill.
- The Commander should be familiar with all activities of
the Post.
- They should sit in with the Trustees at their audits or, at least,
have a sufficient knowledge of their procedure to know whether they are doing
their job.
- They should attend the meetings of the House Committee, calling to
their attention any discrepancies he/she may have observed or complaints they
may have received.
- The Commander is the arbitrator of arguments and the judge
in disputes. As a general rule, their decisions are considered correct until over-ruled
by the Post meeting, the District, Department Commander or Commander-in-Chief.